Farmers Market

The farmers market at the Hairst is a true smorgasbord of delights! Collect everything you need for a great picnic and bring it along to Leith Hall on the Sunday. Henrietta’s tearoom is also open all day for ice-cream, hot drinks and picnic supplies.

Kids Activities

The Leith Hall bears are hosting their first ever highland games! Try out the activities and take part in the history trail around the walled garden. Pick up your trail from the craft tent, £3 per child / adults free.

The craft tent is open for all children and there is croquet and other lawn games to try.

The Rangers are bringing back their pinball machine, see if you can get the top score!

Rare Breeds of North East Scotland

The Rare Breeds won’t be able to attend the 2024 Big Picnic but they’ll be back again next year.

The Rare Breeds Survival Trust is the only charity in Britain dedicated to the conservation of rare or native breeds of livestock. At the Big Picnic the Rare Breed sheep, pigs and horses will be on display so children can ask questions and be interactive with the animals. This is a great starting point for discussions on the origins of food. The volunteers have great knowledge to share and look forward to talking to anyone who has an interest in their animals.

Each year the RBST produces a watchlist, this categorises the breeds based on the numbers of registered breeding females in the UK. This list includes; sheep, cattle, equine, pigs, goats and poultry. Visit their website to gain a better understanding of what they do or even give a donation to support their work

How to Find Us

The Big Picnic @ Leith Hall

Leith Hall and Gardens
AB54 4NQ

How to get there

Visit Leith Hall and Gardens website for a map of how to get there.

A £4 parking fee applies for non-members of National Trust Scotland.

The community minibus will be shuttling between Huntly and Leith Hall to reduce the need for cars. The first bus leaves from outside square deal at 10:30am. This is a free service although donations welcome.

Farmers Market & Street Food

Farmers Market

A Farmers Market is held once a month in The Square Huntly. The Hairst gives us the opportunity to grow the market significantly with over 60 stalls showcasing and selling locally grown, reared, made or caught produce. The stall holders pride themselves in the high quality of their product sharing the provenance while you make your purchases.

Produce stalls will be selling locally farmed meat and game, fish, freshly made breads, condiments, fresh vegetables, eggs, cheese, fresh pasta, honey, preserves, tea, gin, cakes and much more.

Apply for a Market Stall

If you would like to apply for a Market Stall please click on the applicable link below and complete the online application form (Street Food Stall applications can be found further down this page):

**FULLY BOOKED! Applications are now closed for 2024**

Street Food

With the growth of food offering on Hairst day we also offer a superb range of Street Food; ready to eat food made locally to enjoy for your lunch on the day. This includes pizza, bbq, hog roasts, barista coffee, homemade pancakes and award winning ice cream.

Many stall holders and street vendors offer food choices tailored to those with food intolerances, please ask each vendor for details before you buy. (Huntly Hairst can make no guarantees that food has been produced in an allergy safe environment).

Apply for a Street Food Stall

If you would like to apply for a Street Food Stall please click on the link below and complete the online application form:

**FULLY BOOKED! Applications are now closed for 2024**

2024 Food Producers

The Banff Deli

2024 Street Food

2024 Other Stalls

2024 Extended Market in No 30

Craft Stalls

The Huntly Hairst and HuntlyCrafters come together to put on a Craft Fair showcasing the best of our local crafters in the Aberdeenshire area. Due to popular demand we will have more crafters this year than ever before.

Small businesses like these survive through regular craft fairs, please continue to support them by clicking the images below to visit their business sites where you can purchase their unique, individual products.

The HuntlyCrafters - Huntly Hairst 2024 Craft Fair 2024

Apply for a Craft Stall

Application information coming soon. For now, please contact HuntlyCrafters

Huntly Crafters

Kids Activities

Huntly Hairst is a fun, family event with lots of kids activities.

Abi-Lou Messy Play Free Kids Parties

OAP Hall – Church Street
Up to age 6
Free Event
Pre-Booking available

Two free kids market-themed parties – 10am-11am and 12pm-1pm.

Buffet, dry messy play for little ones, crafts, music, reading corner, puzzles, bubble fun and so much more!

Book your child’s place via email:

Kids Activities – Orbs Bookshop

Orbs Bookshop
The Square

Facepainting (£4) and kids storytelling by local authors including some from Doric books. Money-off vouchers for books purchased on the day.

Orbs Community Bookshop

Family Shop Window Competition!

Around Huntly Town

Take a walk along Gordon Street, down Duke Street and only Bogie Street and look for the Fairtrade food-themed questions and anagrams in shop and businesses’ windows.

Hand your entry into the HETI stall in The Square in return for a fairtrade chocolate!

Download your quiz sheet here

Wee Shortie Event – Room to Run

The Gordon Schools
Cost Associated
Booking Essential

Wee Shortie Kids races form part of the Room to Run event that runs alongside the Huntly Hairst.

Visit to secure your place.

Registration opens at The Gordon Schools – 8.30am

Cat 1 Wee Shortie (5-6yo) 300m – 10.10am
Cat 2 Wee Shortie (7-9yo) 600m – 10.20am
Cat 3 Wee Shortie (10-12yo) 1,200m – 10.30am
Kids age 12 and above are eligible for the 5k adult race too.

Kids Crafting

Stewarts Hall – 10am-12pm
No booking required

Join in with fun crafting games and creating at The Stewarts Hall, free for all ages to join in, delivered by Huntly Christian Fellowship.

Hairst Hoolie

Torrisoule Cider are sponsoring a Hoolie to remember with music by the brilliant contemporary ceilidh band Broma.

All income from ticket sales will be donated to the Huntly Hairst.

Tickets available via email at, or call Linda on 07780 929699

Broma Ceilidh band
Torrisoule Cider sponsors the Huntly Hoolie at the Huntly Hairst

Deveron Projects

We have a packed programme of free public events on in Square Deal and the Brander Garden to celebrate Huntly Hairst on Saturday 7th September!

Square Deal

Art Road Trip with Deveron Projects – ALL DAY, Square Deal

Deveron Projects will be sharing highlights from Art Road Trip, a collaborative project bringing the National Gallery in London all the way to Huntly! Drop in throughout the day for creative workshops, guided walks and activities WHICH ARE focused on our local landscapes and how theY might change through time and our imaginations.

Brander Garden

Caretakers’ Garden with Deveron Projects – ALL DAY, Brander Garden (behind Huntly Library)

Get involved with fun activities in the Brander Garden throughout the day. From getting messy with clay and learning about the traditional building technique of wattle and daub, to learning about the new ‘care plan’ for the garden, there will be something for all ages to enjoy.

Huntly Greenspace Collective

Chill By The River

1pm-5pm, Deveron Park (beside the Nordic Centre)

Take a break from the excitement and buzz of the Huntly Hairst, bring along your food and drink. Play, rest, catch up with family and friends and enjoy Huntly’s greenery!