Rare Breeds of North East Scotland
The Rare Breeds won’t be able to attend the 2024 Big Picnic but they’ll be back again next year.
The Rare Breeds Survival Trust is the only charity in Britain dedicated to the conservation of rare or native breeds of livestock. At the Big Picnic the Rare Breed sheep, pigs and horses will be on display so children can ask questions and be interactive with the animals. This is a great starting point for discussions on the origins of food. The volunteers have great knowledge to share and look forward to talking to anyone who has an interest in their animals.
Each year the RBST produces a watchlist, this categorises the breeds based on the numbers of registered breeding females in the UK. This list includes; sheep, cattle, equine, pigs, goats and poultry. Visit their website to gain a better understanding of what they do or even give a donation to support their work www.rbst.org.uk.